Louise Hay, her words are like treasures that I am sharing with you in this post. I took direct sentences and notes from her book “The Power is Within You”.

Make peace with yourself and life will be much more pleasant

You can change your life if you’re willing to change your thinking and release the pattern that kept you living in the past

You are always doing the best you can with the awareness and knowledge you have

Affirm: I’m lovable 

I accept for my self …. love, peace, joy, abundance, health, security, …

Release with love .. all that holds you back, all what you label as negative.. Ask: How does this serve me? 

If I no longer have this habit, what will happen? 

Say this:

-everything I need to know is revealed to me

-everything I need comes to me in the perfect time space sequence

-life is a joy and filled with love

-I am loving and lovable and loved 

-I am healthy and filled with energy 

-I prosper wherever I turn 

-I’m willing to change and to grow

-and all is well in my world 

Just breathe all is well its ok there’s something here for my higher self 

I now release with ease all negative beliefs 

Its now comfortable for me to change

My pathway is now smooth 

Im free of the past

Im safe


I am totally willing to forgive everyone… I am willing to free myself from the past

I am willing to forgive all those who may ever have harmed me

And I forgive myself for having harmed others 

Bless that person with love and release them 

Dissolve the resentment 

Steps to loving yourself 

  1. Stop criticizing urself 
  2. Stop scaring yourself with frightful thoughts 
  3. Be gentle and kind and patient with yourself- patience is a very powerful tool – impatience is resistance to learning- we want the answers without the learning the lessons or doing the steps that are necessary for our growth 
  4. Learn to be kind to your mind – relaxation can help- let go and relax release the tension – I love you all is well 
  5. Praise yourself 
  6. Loving yourself means supporting urself : you really are strong when you ask for help when you need it 
  7. Love your negatives: we have all made negative choices and if we keep punishing ourselves for them, it becomes a habit pattern and we’ll find it very tiresome to let them go and to move on to more positive choices. If you keep repeating “i hate this i hate that” very little new good can come into your life. No matter what negative situation your are in, it is there for a reason otherwise you wouldn’t have it in your life. What is the payoff from this experience? What am I getting that is positive? 
  8. Take care of your body 
  9. Mirror work: in the morning say I love you, what can i do for you today? How can i make you happy? If something unpleasant happens during the day say to urself I love you anyway, if something wonderful happens say thank you, you can forgive in the mirror, ask others for their love and approval in the mirror because when one cant forgive and let go, they are binding themselves to the past and when one is stuck in the past, one cannot live in present time: old garbage from the past creates more garbage in the future. You cannot make the changes you want until you see what is holding you back- affirmation: I now deserve all good, I allow good experiences to fill my life 
  10. Love yourself NOW: don’t wait until you get it right, dissatisfaction is a habit pattern 

Its ok to make mistakes while you are learning… so many are cursed with perfectionism. They won’t give themselves a chance to really learn anything new because if they don’t do it perfectly in the first 3 minutes they assume they are not good enough. Anything you are going to learn takes time. When you do anything for the first time, it usually doesn’t feel right – for example: clasp your hand and see where you fingers meet, and now try clasping your hands where your fingers meet differently than the first time 

We are not going to love ourselves totally in one day, but we can love ourselves a little bit more everyday. Each day we give ourselves a little bit more love and in 2 or 3 months we will have come so much further in loving ourselves 

Mistakes are your steppingstones they are valuable because they are your teachers. Don’t punish yourself for making a mistake. If you are willing to grow and learn from the mistake then it serves as a step towards fulfillment in your life 

Allow yourself to accept good, whether you think you deserve it or not. Believing you are undeserving is your unwillingness to accept good in your life, its what stops you from having what you want 

How could you create anything good for yourself, if you think you don’t deserve to have good? 

Are you willing to forgive? 

How much mental effort are you willing to exert to change your life and make it the life you want? 

The feelings pass, they don’t stay

You can’t learn life for another person, everyone has to learn his/her particular lessons 

If you feel that success is beyond your reach then you are not going to get it 

Trust life – everything we need is here for us 

If you feel that life is burdensome and strenuous then you will always feel uncomfortable 

If we are stingy with life then life is going to be stingy with us

Look urself in the mirror and say: “I love you and I support you in having what you really want, Im going to support you in every way that I can” 

If you are in an uncomfortable situation, look within to see what is the best lesson for you to learn from it

My income is consistently increasing 

Competition and comparison are two major stumbling blocks to your creativity

Your uniqueness sets you apart from all others, there has never been another person like you since time began, so what is there to compare or compete with? Comparison either makes you superior or inferior which are expressions of your ego; your limited mind thinking. If you are going to compare to make urself feel a little bit better, then you are saying somebody else isn’t good enough, if you put others down, you may think you will raise urself up, what you really do is put urself in a position to be criticized by others

In order for you to keep changing and growing, you keep going within and listen to that which is right for you in the here and now 

Everytime you indulge in guilt, you are setting a limitation 

When you are unwilling to forgive, you limit your growth. Forgiveness always leads you to right a wrong in your spiritual self to have understanding instead of resentment, to have compassion instead of hatred 

Affirm; All is well and everything is working out for the higher good 

How willing are you to change I cant to I can

Affirm: I live and dwell in the totality of possibilities where I am there is all good 

Change requires action. What do you do on a daily basis to make yourself feel good inside? You are not going to do it by blaming other people or by being a victim

How are you experiencing peace within you and around you? If you are not doing it now, are you willing to begin? Are you willing to start creating inner harmony and peace?

Ask yourself: Do I really want to change? Do you want to continue to complain about what you dont have in your life or do you want to really create a much more wonderful life than you have now? 

If you are willing to change and to do the work you can! You have the power 

1 Comment
  • Lamis Abualkheir
    Posted at 12:22h, 22 April Reply

    Reading this article first thing in the morning made a great impact on my entire day. I first had to vent and cry because I woke up with a pain in my chest. After I looked to myself in the mirror and said to myself “I love you, what can I do for you today?” I smiled, then did a good workout, talked to a friend, had a meeting and called family members. All of this brought peace to my heart. It is great how much we can overcome if we realize that feelings will pass

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